Balance bikes serve as the perfect tool to teach your kids how to to ride a bike. Teaching them to pedal is easy however teaching them to balance is a whole other thing and takes time and patience from both parents and child!
What better way for your child to learn those first steps toward riding a bike but on something cool, and what’s cooler than a Custom Cafe Racer!
Uniquely designed to look smart whilst riding and be customised to suit the riders preferred colours and have their own name to be proud of on the side. Stainless steel bent polished handle bars set the Custom Cafe’ apart and why not look awesome whilst learning to ride like the pro’s!
It’s your time to experience the Custom Cafe Life!
Each and every Custom Cafe Bike is checked before it is shipped to you. Our team apply accessories and customised graphic by hand in our warehouse. Custom Cafe Bikes are CAD designed and incorporate a range of premium features for the most playful of adventures.
Foam filled tyres are fitted as standard to maximise use of your Custom Cafe Bike without worrying about tyre pressure or punctures.
Each seat is filled with light foam for added rider comfort and horizontal stitching cleverly adds premium detail.
Rigorous pre-production testing ensured Custom Cafe Bikes met all child safety standards. As a result of this testing, handlebars are designed so no harm is caused from pinching a child on full lock.
Each and every Cafe Racer Bike has the ability to be customised to suit riders with colours of your choosing! This is where Custom Cafe Bikes are unique... they can be tailored to your child.